How We Serve

We know that the most sustainable partnerships are the ones in which thinking, doing, and reflecting are at the heart of service.



Collaborative thinking is the first step in all TDR partnerships. TDR believes service starts with an idea and a desire to make an impact. To help partners increase their capacity to transform lives and communities, we immerse ourselves in our partner's organization and culture. TDR helps its partners implement tailored-made best practices to meet the demands of their stakeholders and accomplish their mission.



There is no impact without action. TDR bolsters our partners' effectiveness, efficiency, innovation, and sustainability. We observe and evaluate programming, dissect the motivations fueling service, and think critically about data. We intentionally partner with small-to-medium-sized nonprofits and businesses to ensure positive social impact.



Growth and development depend on reflection. TDR knows we can always improve how we serve. Using Higher Levels of Diverse Thought to ensure beliefs, practices, and outcomes are mission-aligned, TDR encourages partners to participate in guided reflections to refine how they serve utilizing human-centered variables.